Monday, May 7, 2007

Natural, Healthy Hairspray

Hairspray is a great tool for Diva-riffic hair...but it's alcohols and chemicals can make a mess of your hair.

Here's a recipe for a homemade spray that is gentle on your locks, and smells great!

You'll need:

One lemon

2C water

One large, or a couple small spray bottles

1 TBS vodka- cheap stuff ok

A medium saucepan

A medium bowl

A strainer, or cheesecloth

Chop the lemon inside the bowl, so that all the juice stays with it. Neatness doesn't matter.

Add the lemon, it's juice, and the water to the saucepan. Simmer on low until the liquid has been reduced by about half.

Strain and pour into your bottle(s).

Add the vodka, and a little water if necessary to make it thin enough to spray.

This spray can also be made without the vodka, but must be stored in the fridge.

For more great homemade beauty, visit me at Just a Mommy Here