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We have changed to Word Press, come see us @
Join our message board and you could win some great prizes!!!!
Posted by
Dabbling Divas
11:35 AM
As I was relaxing in the sun today, reading the latest issue of Glamour, I came across this and just had to pass it on!
According to the June 2007 issue of Glamour Magazine:
163: Average woman's weight in pounds
133: Average woman's goal weight in pounds
63: Percent of women who say they step on the scale at least once a week
57: Percent of women who say they'd rather be rich than stay at their dream weight forever
16: Percent of women who say they've been treated badly because of their weight
10: Number of times the average woman has attempted to lose weight
Posted by
7:37 PM
Labels: weight loss, weight stats, weighty issues
Hairspray is a great tool for Diva-riffic hair...but it's alcohols and chemicals can make a mess of your hair.
Here's a recipe for a homemade spray that is gentle on your locks, and smells great!
You'll need:
One lemon
2C water
One large, or a couple small spray bottles
1 TBS vodka- cheap stuff ok
A medium saucepan
A medium bowl
A strainer, or cheesecloth
Chop the lemon inside the bowl, so that all the juice stays with it. Neatness doesn't matter.
Add the lemon, it's juice, and the water to the saucepan. Simmer on low until the liquid has been reduced by about half.
Strain and pour into your bottle(s).
Add the vodka, and a little water if necessary to make it thin enough to spray.
This spray can also be made without the vodka, but must be stored in the fridge.
For more great homemade beauty, visit me at Just a Mommy Here
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: Beauty, Beauty Tips, Homemade Beauty, Money Saving Tips, Natural Beauty, Recipes
It is simple to make you own febreeze. Try this out and let us know what you think.
2 cups Downy fabric softener
2 cups baking soda
4 cups hot water
Dissolve the baking soda in the hot water; allow to cool completely. Add fabric softener and mix well. Pour into a spray bottle. Spray fabric evenly until slightly damp. Odors will fade as item dries. Use more generously for difficult odors. On fabrics that may water spot (such as silk), test a small area of the fabric that cannot be seen.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Why waste money on those fancy-smancy blind brushes...
Simply put an old sock over a hand and wipe away. No fuss...and you'll save money!
This tip also works great on shelves and nick-knack nooks.
Posted by
7:17 PM
Labels: Cleaning tips, Household Tips, Money Saving Tips, Quick Tips
We've all felt it. In one form or another. It's instinct.
As an infant when our caregivers give another the attention we feel we need jealousy kicks in.
In school, we may have experienced it when a boyfriend broke up with us because he liked another girl.
Jealousy is a powerful emotion that can and will take over if we don't learn how to control it.
Have you ever wondered why some women don't have jealousy issues while others seem to be dealing with it constantly? Typically, those who don't let jealousy get the best of them have higher self-esteem and have learned how to quickly conquer the emotion.
Jealousy usually involves a lover or potential lover. The emotion comes from our feeling that this person belongs to us and when faced with the thought of losing him/her or their support we feel jealous.
Here's a tip on how to tackle jealousy.
Think about a time when you felt jealous.
First, try to stay calm. Second, grab a pen and paper and start writing. Write out what that person does that causes you to feel jealous. Second, write out words that describe how YOU feel right now.
Use words like, "Angry, old, unattractive, overweight, out of control, paranoid, lonely, vulnerable, stupid, hurt, worthless, scared, abandoned, powerless, etc..."
Third, list things you can do to deal with it, such as "I could join a club that would keep me busy and allow me to make new friends instead of worrying about what he's doing when I'm not around."
Then, start doing it!
No one goes through life without feeling some form of jealousy. It's how we deal with it that separates us.
Anyone can overcome jealousy. The turning point in my life was when I asked an acquaintance about my jealousy issues. Her response changed my entire way of thinking. She simply said,
"Jealousy is a worthless emotion. You'll get rid of yours as soon as you realize you have nothing to be jealous over!"
I'm not a therapist and this exercise won't work for everyone. If you have serious issues with jealousy, realize that you deserve more in life and see a therapist to help you overcome it.
Posted by
6:59 AM
Pulling out some candles for a special evening...but they're looking a little less then brand new?
Rub 'em down with a cotton ball soaked in a bit of rubbing alcohol. They'll be looking fresh and new in no time!
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: Cleaning tips, Entertaining, Home Decorating, Household Tips, Money Saving Tips, Quick Tips
2 T. pepper
1 T. chicken bouillon powder
1 t. onion salt
1 t. onion powder
1 t. garlic salt
1 t. cumin powder
1 t. dry marjoram leaves
1 t. minced parsley
1 t. paprika
1/2 t. curry powder
1 T. chili powder
1/3 c. salt
Mix WELL- good to put in a big jar and shake to mix. Keep at room temp. and use within 3 mos. Makes 1 cup.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Spring clean your body with a detox. Over time toxins build in our system. It is a good idea to flush them out from time to time.
There are many foods that naturally detox your system.
Some of those foods include
Here are a few recipes to help you start the detox process.
Liver Detox Recipe
1 carrot
1/2 beetroot
1 stick celery
1 cucumber
Wash all veggies and pass through a juicer. Good for 30 minutes so drink up quick.
Liver Detox II
1 c. warm water
2 T lemon juice
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1 T blackstrap molasses
Cayenne pepper to taste
heat water until very warm
Detox Tea
1 T maple syrup
1/2 lemon juiced
Cayenne pepper to taste
1 c. hot water
Mix together and sip.
This actually taste really good.
Posted by
3:01 PM
I'm clumsy. If there is something to be splattered or spilled, it will hunt me down. So from much experience, I share with you this quick tip:
Remove grease or oil stains from clothing by rubbing a tiny bit of Dawn dish washing detergent on the stain. Use an old toothbrush for thick, hearty fabrics, and just a finger for others.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Labels: Laundry tips, Quick Tips
I’m Losing It and Loving It
By Angie Newton
Dabbling Diva’s asked me to share my weight loss story so here I am. I chose to make a lifestyle change in August 2005 because I was tired of being so heavy and not having any energy. My husband and I were planning a Jamaican vacation to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary with a vow renewal on the beach. This was my personal incentive for finally making the decision to get a hold of my life. I did not want to feel like a beached whale nor did I want to be embarrassed to get into a bathing suit.
For as long as I can remember, I have been overweight. It was time to do something about it. I chose not to buy into any special programs, products or pills because I wanted this to be a TRUE lifestyle change where I wouldn’t have to depend on anything but myself for the rest of my life. I made small changes to start and still have many changes yet to go. I know that no one likes to hear the phrase "if I can do it anyone can" but I honestly feel that it’s the truth. I was never one to exercise, I did not eat balanced meals, ate junk and just didn’t take care of myself like I should. It surely hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it.
In the past 20 months, I have lost over 80 pounds by making healthy food choices, controlling portion sizes, drinking plenty of water and exercising. You don’t have to give up everything at once, if anything at all. You just have to make wise choices. There will be days where you’ll slip up but as long as you keep making positive changes, you’ll meet the goals you set for yourself. I still have over 50 pounds left to lose so hopefully you’ll keep up with my story and we can all make positive changes together.
Angie Newton is losing weight and loving it! Find out how a thirty something mom is finally getting in shape by visiting:
Posted by
Dabbling Divas
11:10 PM
This pet recall is pretty scary so, here is a recipe to make your fur baby and feel good about what they are eating!
1 lb ground beef or ground turkey
2 cups steamed rice
1 can green beans (unsalted)
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
1:21 PM
Time for Spring Cleaning!
Here's a great homemade window/glass cleaner that is just as strong as commercial cleaners.
Mix together:
Posted by
12:20 PM
Labels: Cleaning tips, Household Tips, Recipes
Chocolate lovers this Snickers Candy Bar Mousse is satisfying!
15 fun size Snickers candy bars
2-1/2 cups Heavy Cream
6 oz. semisweet chocolate chips (about 1 cup)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Whipped cream topping (optional)
Chop 10 candy bars. Combine with 1/2 cup of cream and chocolate chips in a large heatproof bowl over pot of simmering water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture is melted and combined. Set aside bowl to cool.
In another bowl combine vanillia wiht remaining cream; beat until peaks form. Fold cream into chocolate mixture.
Pour half of mixture into a 1.5 quart freezerproof bowl. Coarsely chop 2 candy bars sprinkle over mousse. Top with remaining mousse. Freeze until firm, at least 6 hours.
Thaw slighty about 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with remaining chopped Snickers and whipped cream if desired.
*If you can't find the fun size bars you can use 5 full size Snickers.
Posted by
Dabbling Divas
8:23 PM
Labels: Recipes
I posted the basic recipe for Gooey Butter Cake a few days ago. Here are several ways to reinvent it.
Pumpkin Gooey: This variation has to be at the top of my list, especially around Thanksgiving. For the cake part, I sometimes use a spice cake mix. I have even used a chocolate cake mix, but I think my favorite is the basic yellow cake mix. Follow the original recipe, adding a 15-ounce can of pumpkin pie filling and an extra egg to the cream cheese filling. Bake as usual, remove from oven, and allow to cool. Cut into squares and top each square with a pecan half. Serve with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. I promise you'll never want pumpkin pie again!
Pineapple Gooey: Add a 20-ounce can of drained crushed pineapple and an extra egg to the cream cheese filling. Proceed as directed above.
Lemon Gooey: Use a lemon cake mix in place of the yellow cake. Add the juice (approximately 1/4 cup) and zest of 2 lemons to the cream cheese filling. Proceed: as directed above.
Carrot Cake Gooey: Use a spice cake mix, and add 1 cup chopped nuts and 1 1/2 cup finely grated carrots to the cream cheese filling. Proceed as directed above.
Peanut Butter Gooey: Use a chocolate cake mix. Add 1 cup creamy peanut butter and an extra egg to cream cheese filling. You can sprinkle the top of batter with 1 cup chopped peanuts if you like. Proceed as directed above.
Chocolate Chip Gooey: Use either yellow or chocolate cake mix. Sprinkle 1 cup chocolate chips and 1 cup chopped nuts on top of filling. Proceed as directed above.
Banana Gooey: Use a yellow cake mix. Prepare cream cheese filling as directed, beating in 2 ripe bananas and an extra egg. Proceed as directed above.
Nutty Gooey: Use a yellow cake mix, and add 1 cup chopped nuts to the cake mixture. Proceed as directed above.
Chippy Gooey: Stir 1 cup white chocolate chips, peanut butter chocolate chips, butterscotch morsels, Heath Almond Toffee Bits or Heath Milk Chocolate Toffee Bits into filling. Proceed as directed above.
Posted by
7:06 PM
I was told that this is very good. I have one in the oven right now and will come back and post after I try it. :)
(18.5 ounce) package yellow cake mix
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups confectioners' sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Mix cake mix, melted butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 2 eggs with a spoon. Pat into a 9 X 13 inch pan.
Mix cream cheese, 2 eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla with an electric mixer. Slowly beat in confectioner's sugar. Pour over cake layer.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool.
Posted by
8:48 PM
If you have beautiful plates that are mismatched, but would love to be able to use them, try this.
Enlarge a photograph of your loved ones and put it in the middle of the plate. Use a compass (that will draw a circle) to get the right diameter of the inside of the plate, then use it to trace a circle around the picture. Paste the picture in the middle of the plate. You will still be able to see the pretty edges of the plates and they will act like a picture frame.
Posted by
2:55 PM
Labels: Home Decorating
Did you know that keeping brown sugar and marshmallows is the freezer will keep them from getting HARD!?
Did you know that honey won't freeze solid either, and will last longer in there too? Just thaw a bit in the fridge before using.
-Another great frozen honey tip: Add to water, to taste, and freeze in ice cube trays. Pop into a freezer bag when frozen, mark, and you'll have a delicious way to cool and flavor your iced tea at the same time!
Did you also know that storing your popping corn in the freezer, and popping it while it is still icy cold will help it to pop fluffier, and with fewer un-popped kernels?
Knowing what can best go in your freezer is a valuable key to frugal shopping and homemaking. Watch for more freezer tips!
Posted by
12:54 PM
So you let the kids dye 5 dozen eggs. What are you going to do with them now?
Egg Salad Sandwiches
8 hard-cooked eggs, diced
1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup dried onion flakes
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon dill weed
8 slices white bread
In a bowl, gently mix the eggs, mayonnaise, onion flakes, salt, mustard powder, garlic powder, pepper, and dill. Cover, and refrigerate 8 hours, or overnight. To serve, spread equal amounts on 4 slices bread; top with remaining bread slices to make sandwiches.
Picked Eggs (My Aunt says these are wonderful!)
1 (15 ounce) can red beets
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 whole cloves
1 small cinnamon stick
6 hard-cooked eggs
Pour the beet juice into a medium-size pot. Stir in the brown sugar, vinegar, water, salt, cloves, and the cinnamon stick. Place the pot over a medium heat for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Place the beets into the liquid mixture and let it cook for an additional 2 minutes to allow the beets to heat.
Place the hard cooked eggs (with the shells removed) in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the liquid and beets into the container with the eggs. Store the container in the refrigerator for approximately 5 days before eating.
Deviled Eggs
6 eggs
1/2 stalk celery, finely chopped
1/4 onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup mayonnaise
salt to taste
1 dash hot pepper sauce
paprika, for garnish
Place eggs in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool and peel.
Cut eggs in half. Remove yolks and place in a medium bowl. Mash together with celery, onion, mayonnaise, salt and hot pepper sauce.
Stuff the egg white halves with the egg yolk mixture. Sprinkle eggs with paprika. Chill covered in the refrigerator until serving.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Posted by
7:48 PM
Labels: Beauty Tips, Perfume
The never ending task of finding the right color and more!
To find the perfect lip color for your skin, buy a color just a bit darker than the color inside your lip.
When applying your makeup, put your lipstick on first. It helps to determine how dark you apply your blush and eye makeup.
If you're still wearing lip liner that's 2 or 3 shades darker than your lipstick or even worse yet, you only wear dark liner...(((I shudder))) Ditch it! That look is OUT!!!
Don't be afraid to mix colors and add a shimmery gloss for kissable lips!
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: Choosing the right lip color, makeup tip
Here's two quick tips for removing stains on counters.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: Household Tips, Quick Tips
Posted by
Dabbling Divas
4:21 PM
Labels: contests
Here are some more handy kitchen substitutions:
Posted by
9:11 PM
Mmmmmm....summer's coming, time to break out the giant pickle jars- and brew some sun tea!
Make it fancy-fied for company by adding some herbs while brewing, for a sophisticated, subtle, and delicious surprise.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: Entertaining, Recipes
Have you ever been in the middle of a recipe, get to a step, and realize- "Oh POO! I'm out of that!"?
Have no fear, many pantry staples can make a nice substitute in a pinch. :)
Posted by
9:31 PM
Labels: Household Tips, Recipes
Do you find yourself needing to wrap a gift, but the wrapping paper is in the closet, the scissors are in the kitchen and the tape is upstairs in the kids' rooms?
Keep your giftwrap station portable. Get a 5-gallon bucket and a garden tool cover for the bucket. Use the pockets to store ribbons, tape, scissors, and markers. Use the inside of the bucket to store rolls of gift wrap.
You will be able to just pick it up, take it wherever you need it and wrap away without having to search all over the house or make several trips to get your supplies together.
Posted by
4:38 PM
Labels: Household Tips
* Write each child's name on a cup to serve as a place card. This will stop confusion when you go to give them refills.
* Several hours before the party line a muffin tin with cupcake liners and place one scoop of ice cream in each. Store in the freezer until serving time. For an extra special treat sprinkle with sprinkles.
* Place birthday candles on toothpicks before inserting into the cake. They will stay in place better.
* Pay a couple of teenagers to help out at your next party. They can serve refreshments, help with games, and with clean up.
* Not sure how many kids to invite? A good rule of thumb is one guest per age of the birthday child.
* Pass on making a whole cake and bake cupcakes. Have the kids decorate their own.
Posted by
8:37 PM
If you are like me and pay to be sure to get your money's worth by protecting it and keeping your color this summer!
When doing Extreme Makeover on ABC, my hair dresser told me:
1) Only wash your hair every 2-3 days. It's not a hard change to make. I've been doing every other hair washing days 4 years now. It just becomes automatic.
2) Don't straighten your hair everyday. Typically, I will straighten it the first day and pull it up on the 2nd day.
3) Before you jump in that pool or lake, put a layer of conditioner in your hair!
By doing so, the chlorine has a harder time getting to your hair, turning it that awful green color. >:(
If you're anything like me, I get in and out of the water several times. I recommend putting more conditioner in your hair each time you get out to lay in the sun. I never hit the pool or ocean without my Garnier Fructis Fortifying Deep Conditioner. It's easy to travel with and use anywhere!
Posted by
4:40 PM
We don't live in Hollyweird, with our private chefs, Pilate's gurus, and personal trainers. We are real women, in the real world. We have 15 minute dinners before scouts, laundry for a million children, and the soft bellies that carried said children.
BUT, we can still be fit, healthy mommas if we diet smart.
Here are a few things you can do to help:
Posted by
10:01 AM
Labels: Beauty
The desert I'm asked to bring to every family gathering!
4 cups cubed day-old French or sourdough bread (1-inch pieces)
1/4 cup margarine, melted
3 eggs
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sliced firm bananas (1/4-inch pieces)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place the bread cubes in a greased 2-qt. casserole; pour butter over and toss to coat. In a medium bowl, lightly beat eggs; add milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Stir in bananas.
Poor over bread cubes and stir to coat.
Bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.
Meanwhile, for sauce, melt better in a small saucepan.
Combine sugar and cornstarch; add to butter.
Stir in milk and corn syrup.
Cook and stir over medium heat until the mixture comes to a full boil.
Boil for 1 minute.
Remove from heat; stir in the vanilla.
Serve warm sauce over warm pudding.
Yield: 6 servings
Posted by
10:29 PM
Labels: Recipes
Defying Rules and Defining Personal Style:
Having style is not about being dressed in latest trends from the runway. It is not fashion because fashion is a manufactured product. Style is self awareness, confidence and the way you live and what you do. Personal style is constant unlike fashion which constantly changes.
One can be completely naked and have style; it is in the way you carry yourself, the way you look someone confidently in the eye and how you shake hands. It is the way your spirit shines through your eyes.
To begin to develop your own style one has to start with a good foundation (no, not make-up or bra's! we'll get to those foundations later). I am referring to our personal foundation, our inner self. The ancient Romans (a stylish society indeed) had a saying, "Style reveals the inner self".
So now you are saying to yourself "that is all great and good but how do I begin to create my own personal style?" My answer is to Know Thy Self. Begin with asking yourself Who am I? What am I most comfortable wearing? and How do I want others to see me?
Below are a few tips to begin creating your personal style foundation:
Get your beauty sleep: is more than an old wives quote. We should think of our skin as a gift wrap for the soul. Does your gift-wrap invite others to peek inside? Sleep is the time when our body and soul renew. Many studies done by doctors and the medical world have proven sleep deprivation causes our immune systems to decrease, impaired thinking and ability to make good decisions, stress levels to surge and leaving our physical bodies energy depleted which manifest on our face as dark circles, dull skin and hair and an overall worn out look.
We need a min. of 7 hours sleep per night. It can vary more but not less than 6 hours. Even a consistent 6 hours of sleep a night isn't enough unless you take a nap in the afternoon.
Beauty is not only Skin Deep: Skin is the largest organ of the body. It is often overlooked and overstressed and it shows. Take care of your skin. Get a good skin care regiment and do it morning and night, all over your body. Clean, Exfoliate, Moisturize, sun-protection and drink water to help flush out impurities.
Decrease wrinkles by worrying less and smiling more. Meditate and visualize peace and happiness even if it is just 5 minutes a day.
Care for your hair: This is one part of us that we can change daily to fit our mood! We can put it up in pony tail, comb it back, color it, curl it, straighten it. Beneath that hair is our scalp that is the foundation to its bounce and shine. Know your hair type (dry, oily,thin, limp, normal) and take care of it accordingly. For dry hair moisturize and deep condition once a week, Oily hair needs to be washed frequently with effective shampoo. Keep your split ends trimmed and have a good cut and shape every 6-8 weeks. If you color your hair be sure it is the right tone and color for your skin type and no roots or bi-colored head... dark on top light on the bottom ... ;o(
Stay tuned for more style development tips.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: Fashion
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
6:44 AM
Labels: Fashion
Take a minute to do something nice for someone else. The smallest gesture can make a person's day.
* Offer to carry an older person's bags of groceries to their car.
* Invite someone who lives alone to dinner.
* Send someone flowers just because.
* Rake your neighbor's yard or shovel their snow.
* Fill the slots of your washing machine ta the laundromat for the next person.
* Leave unused coupons on the supermarket shelves for other shoppers.
* Let someone with less items in from of you at the grocery store.
Please leave a comment if you have more to add.
Posted by
7:41 PM
Labels: Daily Freebies, Household Tips, Positive Living
Last night my husband decided to try a new recipe and it was a HUGE hit in our house!!
1 1/4 lb. chicken breast, cut into 1/2-inch strips
2 tbs. vegetable oil
2 (10 oz) pkg. frozen asparagus spears (we used 2 lbs. of fresh instead)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 c. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. curry powder
1 c. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Cook chicken in heated oil over medium heat. Remove and set aside.
Brush 12X8-inch baking dish with reserved juices from chicken. Arrange asparagus spears on top. Top with chicken strips.
Add soup, mayo, lemon juice and curry powder to remaining juices in pan; stir over low heat for 1 minute or until well blended. Pour sauce over chicken. Sprinkle with cheese.
Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: Recipes
Do you have mismatched or antique forks just lying in your silverware drawer? Why not put them to good use? Drill a hole at the top of the handle and hang them on the wall. The tines are great for holding messages or photos. Hang one near your stove to hold recipes. You can make them stand out by painting a diamond shape in a darker color than your wall and hanging the fork (or forks) in the middle. What a great way to display and use old forks.
Posted by
4:08 PM
Labels: Home Decorating
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
10:55 PM
Has your refrigerator become a cluttered mess? With a few tried-and-true affordable products you will be able to find what you need in record time.
* Wire Drawer Organizers- Prevent items from falling out of the door by stashing them in assorted size wire bins. ($9)
* Lazy Susan- Place small items on a double decker lazy susan. This would be ideal for yogurt, cream cheese, or any other small items. ($6)
* Shelf Expander- Make the most of what space you have with some shelf expanders. They will add an extra level of storage space. ($8)
* Can Dispensers- These hold 12 cans and allow you to see how many you have left. ($14)
Posted by
7:53 PM
Labels: Household Tips
Color is a form of energy. This energy affects us both physically and emotionally. From packaging in the products we buy to the color of suit and tie a lawyer wears, color is used all over in our world to influence us. Below is a list of colors, their meanings, and suggestions on using them.
Red It's known for being a "power color". In small amounts it can promote positive thinking. On the other hand, too much of a good thing can create irritability, nervousness, stress and even anger. Use a red appointment book to emphasize your importance in the world.
Orange Lifts your spirit. Creates vitality. Can be a great antidepressant. Try a glass of fresh orange juice in the morning to get a peppy start on the day.
Yellow The color of happiness. This color creates an optimistic attitude. Good for helping make decisions. Can't make up your mind? Use a yellow legal pad to list pros and cons.
Green Lowers stress and gives a feeling of comfort. Add some more plants to your home or office. If you are a serial plant murderer like myself, fake ones will work! ;o)
Blue Relaxes the body and opens the mind. Be a kid again sometime and lie in the grass and watch the sky.
Purple The color of royalty. Promotes self confidence. Also the color of passion. Buy yourself or the love in your life a bouquet of Freesia.
Don't go overboard. Sometimes too much of a good thing can have ill effects.
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
4:49 PM
Labels: Positive Living
Here's some easy-peasy beauty tricks with petroleum jelly:
Posted by
7:13 PM
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
9:08 PM
Labels: Child Safety, Shopping
* Put one in the inside of books before you loan them out.
* If you are going to a pot luck put one on the bottom of your casserole dish. The hostess will know will know which one belongs to you.
* Carry them in your purse and use in stores to add yourself to mailing list.
* Use them on your child's school supplies.
* Use to mark person items like umbrellas, cameras, and any other item you may carry places with you.
I get mine at Vista Print. they are FREE and all I have to pay is shipping.
FREE Return Address Labels from! Click here.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Household Tips
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
5:01 PM
Labels: Money Saving Tips
I know what you are thinking... ahh what, that ahh, doesn't sound so good. Trust me this is really yummy stuff. It's often referred to as poor man's cheesecake. If you do try it leave a comment and let me know what you think!
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 stick butter, melted
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place beaten eggs in a medium bowl. Gradually beat in sugar. Stir in melted butter, salt, flour, buttermilk, and vanilla extract. Mix until smooth. Pour mixture into an unbaked pie crust. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour until filling is set. After pie cools refrigerate!
Can be served with a fruit topping and whipped cream much like cheesecake but it's just as great plain.
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
10:24 PM
Labels: Recipes
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
10:56 AM
Labels: TV
Baby Wipes
1 ½ cups water
2 Tbsp. baby bath or shampoo
1 Tbsp. baby oil
1 roll paper towels
Mix the water, baby bath and baby oil in an empty round baby wipe container. Cut the paper towels in ½ using an electric knife. Remove core from the center. Place paper towels in wipe container. Let the paper towels soak up the water solution. Turn every few minutes to allow the solution to reach the middle of the paper towels. If there is still a dry spot in the middle, add a little more water and turn until soaked through. Pull the wipes from the middle of the roll through the top of the wipe container.
*An even cheaper baby wipe is to use wash cloths and wash with your cloth diapers
Posted by
8:46 PM
Labels: Money Saving Tips
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
3:06 PM
Labels: Travel
Did you know that the shape of your eyebrows makes a difference in the way your face looks? With the right shape eyebrows you can look younger, like you had a facelift (but without the expense and pain).
Here are the face shapes and the shape your eyebrows should be:
Round: High arched eyebrows where the peak is toward the end of the brow and the tail is short
Oval: Looks great with any eyebrow shape
Square: The peak should be close to being directly above the square of the jaw.
Heart: The eyebrows should be rounded.
Long: Looks best with a flat brow to avoid further elongation
Diamond: More rounded or peaked eyebrow to narrow the width
What shape face do you have? Try a new eyebrow shape and see what a difference it makes.
Posted by
1:42 PM
Labels: Beauty
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Free paperback novel by Luanne Rice
Pledge of Allegiance bumper sticker
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12:23 PM
Labels: Daily Freebies
1 devils food cake mix
1/4 c. oil
1 1/4 c. water
2 eggs
1 sm. pkg. chocolate instant pudding
1 c. chocolate chips
Grease and flour 13 x 9 inch pan.
Preheat oven to 350.
Pour cake mix in a bowl and add oil, water, eggs, and pudding mix.
Beat on medium speed with mixer for 2 minutes.
Stir in chocolate chips and bake for 35 to 40 minutes until cake test done.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: Recipes
Focus groups are held when a company wants to know the opinions of the public pertaining to new products, ad campaigns and more. The groups on average have about 10 people in them and are lead by a moderator. The moderator leads the discussion and asked questions relevant to what the company they are representing wants to know.
Most meetings last about 1 to 2 hours and you are compensated monetarily for your time. There are also times when lawyers will hold a focus group to do what they call a mock jury trial to give them an idea of the outcome of a case they are working on. A mock trial could take anywhere from 1 to 2 days, these usually pay $100 to $200.
So how much can you make? Most focus groups pay $40 to $200 depending on the study. Sounds like great money! There is a catch though; most marketing research companies ask that you only do a study every 3 to 6 months. You can sign up other household members though and even your children.
To find out more about focus groups in your area look in the local yellow pages under marketing research. Call and ask how you sign up to be part of a focus group. Most of them will send out a questionnaire that asks things about household income, age, occupation, etc.
While these are not going to make you rich, it is a little extra money in your pocket. You get to be involved in shaping the way companies do business and for the most part they are fun to attend.
Posted by
Tiffany Schwartz-Weidman
8:37 AM
Labels: Money
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The Dabbling Divas
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Dabbling Divas
6:46 PM
Labels: Dabbling Divas