Friday, April 6, 2007

A Beauty Do!

I'm a Perfume Diva! I love perfume! My favorite scent is "Sexual", by Michel Germain.

Every time I wear it and I do mean every single time, I get complimented and asked what I'm wearing.

Here's a perfume tip I was unaware of until today and thought it was worthy of sharing.

Apply perfume to your armpits (after a scent free deodorant) and on the curve under your breasts. The fragrance is released when your body heat rises.
-Glamour Magazine


Lipstick, Lipstick, Lipstick!

The never ending task of finding the right color and more!

To find the perfect lip color for your skin, buy a color just a bit darker than the color inside your lip.

When applying your makeup, put your lipstick on first. It helps to determine how dark you apply your blush and eye makeup.

If you're still wearing lip liner that's 2 or 3 shades darker than your lipstick or even worse yet, you only wear dark liner...(((I shudder))) Ditch it! That look is OUT!!!

Don't be afraid to mix colors and add a shimmery gloss for kissable lips!

Two Quick Tips

Here's two quick tips for removing stains on counters.

  • Rub the stain with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Ta-da, no more stain!

  • Try using a little whitening toothpaste to clean off stubborn stains. Make sure to rinse!