Thursday, March 8, 2007

Will She Stay or Will She Go? Antonella Barba

Ever wonder sometimes why the "bad" ones stay so long and some of the ones you thought should be there are sent home? Maybe, this website, has something to do with it.

Vote for The Worst has had Antonella Barba on their site since the voting began. Miss Barba was really hammered on last nights show (03/17/07) by the judges and to top it off, a not so suprising dig from Simon about the media "problem". This of course refering to her "Kodak Moments" that showed up here and there on the internet when she became a constestant. Wonder if that best friend of hers had anything to do with that?

Vote for The Worst has a very large audience according to's website ranking system. I'm sure though that some of Vote for The Worst's audience is like myself; who wouldn't vote for the person they have on there but rather just visit the site as I feel it's entertaining. Tonight should be a pretty sure test as to whether or not this site has any real pull if Antonella Barba is choosen to stay.