Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Smart ways to use Address Labels

* Put one in the inside of books before you loan them out.

* If you are going to a pot luck put one on the bottom of your casserole dish. The hostess will know will know which one belongs to you.

* Carry them in your purse and use in stores to add yourself to mailing list.

* Use them on your child's school supplies.

* Use to mark person items like umbrellas, cameras, and any other item you may carry places with you.

I get mine at Vista Print. they are FREE and all I have to pay is shipping.

FREE Return Address Labels from VistaPrint.com! Click here.


Ellen said...

Some great ideas. I often use vistaprint.

Jenn said...

Great ideas! I already do some of these but definitely learned a few more goodies!!
